
Jake Flores Jake Flores

Be Bold and Stand Out!

Are you trying to fit in rather than trying to stand out?  Ask yourself these simple questions...

Instead stand out!

What exactly does that mean?  Well the real question is  "Are you fitting in?" See most businesses fail because they were trying to fit in with their competition.  That in it self is problem because you are never truly unique.  Think about it and ask yourself a few simple questions.  

  • Are your products/services similar to your largest competitor?

  • Are your prices cheaper?

  • Is your customer service better?

If you answered 'Yes' then that's exactly the problem.  You are trying to fit in rather than trying to stand out.  I've seen plenty of desktops, and they all looked the same.  First time I laid eyes on an iMac though, dang, I wanted one.  Apple has branded themselves very well in the tech market because they have separated themselves from their competition.  

Large companies vs Small companies

Companies like Coke and Pepsi or ATT and Verizon are looking for market share.  They have a huge budget & a corporate presence that they would like to keep.  Instead of focusing on playing with the big dogs how about focusing on standing out in a market niche.  This form of strategy is one that allows for start ups to grow.  See apple had a pin point focus.  They have a target market and pin point focus.  Think different.  

Now for the hard part

How do you brand yourself to standout and grow?  Where do you start?  What does that process even look like?  All of these questions are great and our team would love to show you the way.  Request an appointment today, to see how Brangerine can help.


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